For Parents


We at Miss Pattycake of Heights believe that children experience the greatest growth when they feel secure and wanted. Therefore, our mind goal is to provide a warm, caring, comfortable and safe environment  for our children. Together we will establish routines that are predictable and consistent. In addition, we will provide a carefully tailored curriculum to the children to assist in their cognizant and social development. All children will be treated with gentleness, honesty and respect. We will encourage them to treat others in this manner. 

Nutrition and Meals

At Miss Pattycake of Heights we are proud to be part of the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP is a federal program that provides nutritious meals that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children in the United States. As a part of the CACFP we ensure that our children are being provided with healthy, nutritional meals at no additional cost. Our monthly menu is carefully planned by our Food Manager to ensure that our children’s daily nutritional needs are being met in every single meal. Each child receives daily breakfast, lunch and a snack. A menu is carefully prepared each month. We invite you to request a copy of our meal calendar.